Friday, 28 March 2008

Lyukfelhő - Hole Punch Cloud

Március 27-én reggel olyan jelenség fogadott, amire már rég vártam. Egy szabályos lyukfelhő alakult ki épp felettünk. Mivel nagyon közel volt, és nincs széleslátószögű lencsém, nem lett tökéletes a kép, és ráadásul a panorámákkal is meggyűlt a program baja. Mindenestre valami ilyesmi volt. A jelenség magyarázata itt olvasható.

In the morning of March 27, a perfectly-shaped hole puch cloud appeared right above us. I've been waiting for such a phenomenon for a long time. Since it was very close to us and I still don't have a wide-angle lens, the photos are not the best. Even the software was struggling with the panoramas. Anyway, here they come. The explanation of the phenomenon can be read here.


Anonymous said...

That's cool - how are you? xx, ww.

Ágnes Kiricsi said...

Thanks, I'm glad you like it.
The only advantage of being ill is that I could take photos yesterday. There's some more to come soon.